2002 ET HOG Chapter Christmas Party
Cumberland Mountain State Park, 7 December 2002
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We started the evening with dinner at the Cumberland Mountain Lodge.

Inside, we had good food and great company!

Tom made sure everyone had a door prize ticket.

Looks like we have a real good turn-out for the dinner.

We were happy to see Dile and Connie at the dinner too!

Tom and Dave prepare to hand out Christmas favors donated by the Club and the H-D Dealership.

Becky and Wayne appear to be having a good time!

I just held the camera high to take this shot - I caught Gary doing the same thing.

Bob and Betty - smile for the camera!

I don't know whose finger that is but, at least, you can see Sheila and Richard

Hey guys, how was the food?

Jim and Mary were also caught by the "finger photographer".

Here is TC and his date.

Dinner is over and we are trying to assemble for a group picture.

Yea! We made it. Merry Christmas ET HOG!

The Club rented a cabin for an after dinner party.

You guys know that alcohol is not permitted in the park!

No park rules are being broken here.

Party on, Dudes and Dudettes!

It sure must be an interesting story.

We just want to say, "Merry Christmas"!