Anderson County Toy Run 2003
04 October 2003 - "For the Kids!"
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ACTR volunteers at Knoxville Harley-Davidson for the kick off of the 12th Annual
Anderson County Toy Run. As usual, Santa and Mrs. Claus will lead the parade.

The line-up and the ride to Oak Ridge was very nice. The Knox, Anderson, and Oak Ridge
police did an outstanding job of leading the ride and blocking intersections.

The parade arrives at the Backroad Pub and Grill in Oak Ridge. Looks like another
good turn-out to support the kids!

Ellen and Gwen collect toys and donations for the kids from riders as they
enter the party and prepare for an afternoon of fun.

The place is packed and the bartenders had to stay on their toes to handle all
of the cold beer orders.

Outside, ACTR volunteers served food to all the riders. Everyone had plenty to eat
and a great day to enjoy it.

And inside, everyone is eating, drinking, and having fun while waiting for the food
and bike show to end so the auction and door prize drawings can begin.

The auction was a big success! This year Clyde bought the Toy Run quilt for $350.00.
Thank you, Clyde, for your continued support and generosity.

And now, the drawing that everyone has been waiting for - the grand door prize, a
2003 H-D Sportster. And the winner is ......... Tom Martin. Congratulations, Tom!

Now, let's all party with the band "Dixie Werewolves" and celebrate another
successful Toy Run year for the kids!
The Anderson County Toy Run, Inc. raised over $10,000 during this event to bring the total for the year to about $38,000 for the kids of Anderson county this Christmas. Congratulations to all. Outstanding job!